Since I'm going abroad, all of you in the US aren't going to have your normal, healthy dose of "Haley stories". This blog is here to help.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Ciao, Rector Ubach

Well, I've said goodbye to the santa who leaves bread next to the microwave and the incredibly senile dog (sadly, I never thought to take a picture of the dog...). Let me tell you, it has been a huge relief.

I came back from Venice and had to push off moving day for 3 days because I couldn't talk. I was able to move at the end of the week. The housing coordinator and I made up some story about how I was offered a chance to live with Spanish students so as not to offend my previous señora. I also made sure that CIEE wouldn't put anyone with this woman again. It actually worked out pretty well; I went to a program event and didn't come home until after my señora was asleep, and woke up after she went to work. She left me a nice note and we left it at that. She even locked up the demon dog so that it would not bother me as I left. So considerate!

I am now living in the mountains, close to Parc Güell. The neighborhood is mostly residential but absolutely beautiful. Unfortunately I don't have any pictures of the neighborhood yet, but I love it. No matter where I look I can see mountains. I also live on the green line now, which is the main city subway line and super convenient for me. No more 30 minute subway treks to class! To give you an idea of how far up I live, here is a picture (definitely not from google...okay yah I googled it) of one of the staircases that I have to take out of the subway.

My new host mother is so much fun and very sweet. She is in her 30's and I think is kind of a hippie, and very interesting; the weekend that I moved in she actually went out of town to go snow shoeing in the Pyrenees mountains. Having grown up here, her maternal language is actually Catalán. She is always on the phone speaking in Catalán, and we watch the news in Catalán every night. Definitely going to be learning more about the dual culture for now on.

And instead of piles of bread, she gives me piles of fruit. Fantastic.

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